A Moving Platform
With advances in technology, there are more opportunities than ever to break down barriers and remove labels to ensure the freedom and spontaneity of all riders and deliver more personalized mobility.
Our mobility solution creates a foundation for service innovations whether it be addressing first-mile, last-mile and intermodal trips; partnering with third parties such as TNCs, taxis, bike shares or other rideshare services for multimodal transportation; or creating specialized on-demand services that bridge the spectrum of riders from conventional and disadvantage to opportunities and more accessible transit.

Mobility at a Glance

Improved Mobility Management
Connect your riders to vehicles and multimodal travel hubs through configurable services.

Dynamic Network of Mobility Options
Book multimodal or point-to-point trips according to agency business rules.

Increase Connectivity with Customers
Establish effective communication with your riders with tools and notifications to help manage their trips.

Monitor Vehicle Activity
Access real-time trip information and vehicle location with revamped mapping tools.

Seamless Integration
Easily integrate with traditional scheduling and dispatching tools within your current operations.

Real-Time Multimodal Itineraries
Mobility’s Ride Matching Engine accounts for weather, traffic, service alerts, and real-time GTFS feeds.

A Dynamic Network Built for Mobility On-Demand
Routematch Mobility is a cloud-based, end-to-end intermodal and multimodal trip planning, scheduling, and delivery solution that leverages your family of services and partners to increase operational efficiency and meet the needs of riders.
With Mobility Management, you can create personalized services by factoring in stops, mobility types and preferences, vehicles, schedule parameters and zones.
On-Demand ride-matching further enhances your agency’s ability to connect riders’ requests for both intermodal and multimodal itineraries in real-time.
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Let's connect.
Routematch is now part of TripSpark
Please visit www.TripSpark.com to get in contact with the TripSpark team. For Routematch plaftform support, please use the number / email below.
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Suite 2800
Atlanta, GA 30309
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Support: 1 (866) 653-3629
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Support: rmsupport@tripspark.com