Transit is for Everybody
Despite progress beyond the days of horse and buggy trails, waterways and railroads, not all routes lead to home, work or healthcare.
At Routematch, we want to help change that—partnering with you to make improvements that affect the lives of your riders and the progress of your community.
We are inspired by our role in creating positive change in people’s lives, and we design solutions with communities both large and small in mind.
At the heart of our operation are real people, ready to support you and your team along the way. By powering change in your transit system, together we can offer everyone better ways to ride.
Our Mission
Develop human solutions that focus on real people and impact the quality of life for those individuals and communities.
Deliver flexible & scalable tech tools to agencies and their riders that are centered around inclusivity & accessibility.

Let's connect.
Routematch is now part of TripSpark
Please visit www.TripSpark.com to get in contact with the TripSpark team. For Routematch plaftform support, please use the number / email below.
Find Us
1230 Peachtree Street NE
Suite 2800
Atlanta, GA 30309
Call Us
Support: 1 (866) 653-3629
Australia Support: 1800.861.508
Message Us
Support: rmsupport@tripspark.com