Go Where Life Moves You
Our traveler information system combines real-time information to give your fixed route riders a prompt heads-up to minimize idle wait times.
Through a combination of our mobile app, your website, text messages, an interactive phone message system and digital signage, you can manage a network of ridership communication modes through one traveler information platform.
Get Riders Hooked On Your Fixed Route Service
RouteShout is compatible with iPhone and Android smartphones and tablets.
Download the app today on Apple iTunes or Google Play to start the journey to mobility with RouteShout!
Hear From Your Peers:
RouteShout helps with communicating reliability. It's comforting for riders to know the bus will be there at their stop. We’ve seen our ridership increase 11% last year and we attribute that to RouteShout. We have also reduced our cost printing schedules by 75%.
"RouteShout helps with communicating reliability. It's comforting for riders to know the bus will be there at their stop. We’ve seen our ridership increase 11% last year and we attribute that to RouteShout. We have also reduced our cost printing schedules by 75%."
John Kanyan | Director of Operations at Indiana County Transit Authority
Keep Exploring
Let's connect.
Routematch is now part of TripSpark
Please visit www.TripSpark.com to get in contact with the TripSpark team. For Routematch plaftform support, please use the number / email below.
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1230 Peachtree Street NE
Suite 2800
Atlanta, GA 30309
Call Us
Support: 1 (866) 653-3629
Australia Support: 1800.861.508
Message Us
Support: rmsupport@tripspark.com