Three months ago, Uber Transit made a deep and industry transforming commitment to public transit partnership by acquiring Routematch.
Hear from David Reich, Head of Uber Transit and Pepper Harward, General Manager of Routematch by Uber on what this journey together looks like.
Why this Matters to You
Mobility on demand is on your mind. You may be researching how to weave on demand services into your existing business operations. Businesses, board members, universities or other community stakeholders may be asking for an “Uber-like” service. Or, you may have already launched an on demand “pilot,” and are now looking to convert or expand it into a long-term “program.”
Whether you consider yourself a mobility newbie or seasoned practitioner, you are proactively planning to confidently preserve and grow ridership, ease burdens of high operating costs, and meet riders’ expectations for spontaneous service. All of this, with the goal to impact the community through improved health, socio-economic and environmental outcomes.
These forces are happening now. 2021 is your year for action.
Would you like to learn more?