By: Brittany Maher
Marketing Content Writer
In this three-part blog series, we'll recap all of our favorite moments of the Routematch User Conference 2018.
On Monday, March 26 we kicked off our most anticipated event of the year: The North American User Conference 2018! Routematchers and nearly 300 of our fellow transit nerds congregated at the InterContinental Hotel Buckhead in Atlanta to connect and explore new opportunities for professional development through a wide range of sessions, workshops and one-on-one consultations. This year, we experienced the true meaning of connecting with purpose.
There’s so much to love about UC 2018! It’s a week of non-stop transit excitement, how could we possibly pin-point just what it is that makes UC so magical? Well we’re glad you asked…because there’s a certain conference trifecta of UC happenings that we at Routematch believe makes each year even better than the last:
Learning new things while having a ton of fun!
It’s easy to make learning fun when we’re surrounded by passionate people who love their jobs. At UC 2018, Routematchers and clients alike had the opportunity to engage in professional development through:
- One-on-one consultations
- Certification classes
- Breakout sessions
- Games & activities
- Workshops
Engaging with speakers!
Whether it’s in a small breakout session or within a large keynote presentation, there’s never a shortage of valuable insights being shared at UC. Each day, our passionate speakers energized us and got us in the right head-space for learning, connecting and honing our craft. We left feeling more inspired than ever by all the poignant ideas and perspectives we heard about innovative thinking, compassion and leadership. Check out our engaging speakers blog post here!
Connecting with other transit nerds!
At the heart of all our operations are real people and UC is the ideal environment for networking. It’s an opportunity to share ideas and cultivate new relationships. There’s nothing better than catching up with long-time Routematch users and meeting new faces. We love making real human connections with the people who utilize our services to improve their communities. It’s especially exciting when we see folks from different agencies having a meeting of the minds and connecting with one another. It’s not uncommon to leave with a contact list filled with new friends after UC. At the end of the day, it all boils down to one thing: seeing our clients happy. Check out our attendee spotlight blog post here!